Posted: November 27, 2015 Contributor: PRJKT RUBY
Breast Cancer on the Rise in African American Women
The recent journal publication “Breast Cancer Statistics, 2015” revealed that for African American women, breast cancer rates are on the rise. Previously, white/Caucasian women were the largest group to be impacted by the condition in the United States with relatively low rates among African American women.
Between the years of 2008 and 2012, however, the rate of breast cancer in African American women increased by 0.4 percent while it remained about the same for white women. When looked at from a geographical standpoint, rates for black women were higher than white women in the following states: Tennessee, Oklahoma, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky and Alabama.
Historically, the rate of deaths from breast cancer have been higher in white women but now. researchers believe it is continuing to grow ever higher in black women. According to recent trends, it unfortunately looks as if the upswing will continue for some time.
The following are additional statistics from a recent TechTimes article on the topic –
- Since 1989, mortality rates from breast cancer have lowered by 36%. This equals about 249,000 deaths averted.
- From 2003 to 2012 death rates for white women in 27 of the 30 states have decreased.
- Across all ethnic groups, black women account for the highest death rates.
- Black women are more likely to get a cancer diagnosis later on in life.
- Black women have the lowest survival rate of at every stage.
Currently, aside from skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer type diagnosed in women in the United States.