Over the Counter Morning After Pill

EContraEZIf you have had unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, the over the counter morning after pill EContra EZ is a great way to prevent unplanned pregnancy. The day after pill contains similar hormones as Ruby Learn More Buttonregular birth control pills, only in higher doses. As a result, the egg is not released from the ovaries and ovulation doesn’t occur. Without an egg present there is no way for fertilization to occur.

Even reliable birth control methods may fail from time to time. In these events, it’s comforting to know there is another option. There are several different types of day after pills, some over the counter and some by prescription only. EContra EZ is an OTC morning after pill that is highly effective in preventing pregnancy.

If you are 17 or older you can get the OTC morning after pill just by heading to the pharmacy or by ordering the day after pill online. Many women feel more comfortable ordering their morning after pill over the counter online, rather than walking up to a pharmacist and requesting the pill.

Over the Counter Emergency Contraception

You may be wondering if the day after pill is effective. It’s actually highly effective in preventing unplanned pregnancy. It’s most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Whether you forgot to take birth control pill or the condom broke, the day after pill is a great safety net.

If you are already pregnant, the day after pill will not prevent the current pregnancy. If an egg does release and become fertilized, the over the counter morning after pill can prevent implantation from occurring. This means a viable pregnancy will not occur.

Forgot to Take Birth Control Pill

If you forgot to take birth control pill or pills, you may be looking at a gap in your pregnancy prevention coverage. When taken at the same time each day, birth control pills are highly effective in preventing pregnancy. If the pill is neglected for a day or more, however, and unprotected sex occurs, it’s very likely that the day after pill is a wise choice.

Most women are able to take the morning after pill over the counter with little to no side effects but there are certain conditions that make the day after pill less favorable. If you know that you are pregnant, you should not take the day after pill. If you have a known allergy to any of the ingredients or hormones in the pill, you should not take it. Also, certain studies have revealed that women who are obese may suffer a lack of efficacy for the morning after pill over the counter.

If you are a good candidate for the morning after pill, you can easily purchase the OTC morning after pill by ordering it online or at a pharmacy.