Xiomara, 35-years-old, originally from the region of San Pablo María de Tasua, Jinotega department, has 3 children. She had her first child at the young age of fifteen and since then she had to work to support her family.
Xiomara’s income does not allow her to pay for a family planning method that is safe and friendly to her body. She used quarterly injectable contraception, but it was causing her many side effects, which is why she decided to seek help and to change her method.
“I do not know much about that thing “IUD” but I have been told that it is good and has no hormones. I’m afraid because they say it is inserted, but I do not want to continue giving birth. My employer is very good and has allowed me to take my kids to where I work but told me to be careful not have another pregnancy and to come here Clínicas Médicas Red Segura so that I do not continue to make things harder for myself.”
Xiomara visits the Red Segura Medical Clinic where she receives counseling on the different contraceptive methods and the opportunity to adopt a new method. Through counseling Lic. Blanca Carrillo and Xiomara agreed on the IUD T 380 Cu.
“I want the copper T because it has no hormones. I do not want any more kids because it is not in my budget and I do not want to get sick anymore because of side effects.”