Posted: November 21, 2017 Contributor: administrator

Thankful For…

Around this time of year, we’re often reminded of things we are grateful for—our friends, family, home, and even access to the basics, such as clean water and healthcare. Unfortunately, so many people in the United States and around the world don’t have access to the latter, and many services, especially for women continue to be challenged by leaders in office.

Extending care to women worldwide

Lack of affordable birth control and family planning services doesn’t just stop at our border—according to the Guttmacher Institute, 214 million women of reproductive age who have no plans of getting pregnant don’t have access to modern birth control and are left using traditional methods or none at all. Though this number has dropped since 2014, there’s a long way to go before our healthcare goals are met worldwide.

Making a difference through our TakeCare GiveCare campaign

At PRJKT RUBY, our fight for affordable birth control for all is going global with no signs of slowing down. All it takes is buying your own birth control to help another woman feel empowered, safe, and healthy. Our TakeCare GiveCare campaign donates 25 cents from every month of birth control purchased to the Population Services International, a tax-exempt, nonprofit global health organization. If you don’t need to order birth control for yourself, you can still contribute to the cause through our nonprofit Take1Give1. The donation will be made to support access to contraception and family planning services for women in developing countries, offering counseling and ensuring local clinics have oral contraceptive, implants, and IUDs stocked.

Grateful for everyone who has made PRJKT RUBY possible

We’re thankful for the opportunity to shine a light on this global issue, and with your help spreading the word, we can take it on fiercely. Our campaign has been featured in magazines that promote strong, healthy women such as Allure and Shape, and continues to gain traction amongst news outlets and on social media. In just one month, we have helped over 600 women in developing countries around the world gain necessary access to reproductive health care at little or no cost. Now that’s a lot to be thankful for. 


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