Posted: August 19, 2016 Contributor: administrator

Why You May Be Bleeding Without Having Your Period

Irregular bleeding can be irritating, inconvenient and sometimes scary. Bleeding or spotting can happen for a number of reasons. While the cause is typically nonthreatening, it is possible that you could have an underlying issue. Bleeding is considered to be “abnormal” if you are not expecting your period or if your flow is lighter or heavier than usual. Here are a few common reasons why you may have irregular or abnormal bleeding:

You may be pregnant.

Spotting occurs in about 20 percent of women during their first 12 weeks of pregnancy and can be harmless in a healthy pregnancy. If you are experiencing other symptoms, take a pregnancy test and see your doctor. The doctor will want to make sure that you are on the right track and that the bleeding isn’t caused by an ectopic pregnancy when the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus.

Your medication could be thinning your blood.

Certain medications such as Warfarin or supplements such as ginkgo biloba have blood-thinning properties that could be causing you to spot. If you just started a new medication and notice this symptom, a phone call to your doctor should clear that up.

You may have a thyroid condition.

Thyroid problems are common culprits of abnormal bleeding. An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause your flow to be longer and heavier while an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) may cause unusual bleeding. Once your doctor takes necessary tests, you can be placed on a thyroid medication that will likely cause your flow to regulate. Hallelujah!

You had sex.

It is common for sex to cause abnormal bleeding if you were going a little rough or weren’t properly lubricated. Next time, just add a few extra minutes of foreplay or take it easy!

You recently changed birth control methods.

If you have an IUD, you may have a higher chance of spotting or heavy periods. If you’ve recently started taking birth control pills or have switched pills, minor bleeding may occur within the first few menstrual cycles. Also, if you do not take your pill at the same time each day, it may cause spotting. Tip: Remember to take your pill each day by setting an alarm on your phone!]]>


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