Posted: December 5, 2016 Contributor: administrator

Sex Quiz: How Much Do You Really Know?

We’re taking you back to elementary school this week with this T/F Sex Ed Quiz. Think you can ace it? Write down your answers to the questions below and grade yourself at the end. Your time starts…now!

1. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) don’t always have symptoms: True or False?

2. The pill protects against STIs: True or False?

3. Some STIs can only be caught by women, not men: True or False?

4. You can still take the morning after pill up to 5 days after having sex: True or False?

5. Sperm can survive in the uterus for 5 days: True or False?

6. Taking antibiotics may decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptive pills: True or False?

7. A penis has more nerve endings than a vagina: True or False?

8. Some STIs can be passed from an infected mother to her child during pregnancy: True or False?

9. You need to go into a doctor’s office to get birth control? : True or False?

10. Most STIs can be transmitted just from kissing: True or False

11. You can still get an STI even if you don’t have penetrative sex: True or False?

[Scroll Down For Answers]







ANSWER KEY (Give yourself +1 for every correct answer):

1. True: Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) can have a range of symptoms and signs from fever to sores or bumps on the genitals but some show no symptoms. That’s why it is extremely important for you and your partner to be tested regularly.

2. False: The pill only protects against pregnancy. Another form of protection must be used during sex such as a condom or dental dam to prevent the spread of STIs.

3. False: There are no gender-specific STI. However, they can affect men and women in different ways.

4. True: Although, it depends on which type of pill it is. PRJKT RUBY offers EContra® EZ which may be taken up to 72 hours (3 days) after intercourse and ella® which is effective for 120 hours (5 days) after intercourse. Emergency contraceptives are NOT intended to take the place of routine birth control. Never miss a pill with our subscription-based service.

5. True: After ejaculation, sperm can live for up to five days in a woman’s reproductive tract. Egg fertilization is possible as long as the sperm is living. Pretty crazy, right?

6. True: Although most antibiotics won’t disrupt the effectiveness of the pill, there are a few that might such as Rifampin, a treatment for tuberculosis. Always ask your doctor when you’re prescribed antibiotics just to be sure.

7. False: Actually, the clitoris contains at least 8,000 nerve endings, double that of a penis’ 4,000, give or take.

8. True: Some STIs can be passed from mother to infant during pregnancy or delivery such as chlamydia, HIV, syphilis, and gonorrhea.

9. False (for most states): With Prjkt Ruby, you can skip the in-person visit and receive birth control by simply filling our free online consultation or meeting a physician online with our video consultation.

10. False: Herpes is the only STI that can be transmitted just from kissing. Many people carry the oral herpes virus (even if they never get cold sores) and often contract it from a non-sexual kiss via a friend or relative.

11. True: STIs can be transmitted through body fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids, breast milk, and pre-cum as well as skin-to-skin contact (Herpes and HPV). You are at risk not only from vaginal sex but oral and anal sex as well. On the positive side, STIs can’t survive on surfaces like toilet seats, even if your cousin’s friend told you otherwise.


1-3: You failed. 🙁 Time to study up on your sex ed. Start by reading some of our past blog posts.

4-6: Uh-oh! You barely squeaked by but should definitely more about sex and safe sex practices.

7-9: Pretty good. You’re no sex scientist but you know your stuff.

10-11: Nailed it! You’re a sex knowledge rock star! Give yourself a pat on the back.



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